What are the next steps for the UK's use of Digital Identity?

Piers Kelly

On 13th May 2021, the Digital Government Virtual Summit welcomed a panel of esteemed experts to discuss the key considerations and next steps outlined for implementing digital identity on a national scale.

The panel included:

  • Ash Smith, Deputy Director for Digital Identity, Government Digital Service
  • Jessica Figueras, Vice-Chair, UK Cyber Security Council
  • Edgar Whitley, Associate Professor (Reader) of Information Systems, London School of Economics and Political Science

The key discussion points:

  • How will the latest regulatory updates and new consumer protection legislation support the use of digital identities across the UK? 
  • What suitable privacy and technical standards should be in place to allow interoperability and establish individuals’ rights over the use of their digital IDs? 
  • What is IAX and will it solve the government’s need for a seamless, usable, secure, citizen identity and develop digital identity markets in the UK? 
  • What digital identity projects local authorities are working on and what levels of expertise and further resources they would require sourcing to continue?
  • How to build trust, transparency and clarity for those who want to trust digital identities and those who want to be creating them with their citizens?

Watch the full session here

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