Priorities for Government Digital Transformation Initiatives

Piers Kelly

At the Government ICT Conference, which ran as a virtual summit in January 2021, Pure Storage sponsored the day as a Silver Partner and delivered a session highlighting the priorities for government digital transformation initiatives in the next 12 months.

The key topics of discussion were:

  • Outlining highlights from the recent European study of public sector IT leaders reflecting on how the COVID-19 pandemic stress-tested their organisations
  • Challenges created by legacy infrastructures and data architectures to achieving digital transformation
  • Data as an asset and enabler of digital transformation, improved outcomes, and operational resilience
  • Learning lessons to redefine how organisations emerge from the COVID-19 crisis operationally stronger and more resilient than before
  • Priorities into 2021 and beyond for ensuring greater momentum for digital transformation and obtaining more value from data

Watch the full session here


The Government ICT Conference is part of the GovNet Tech portfolio bringing a series of events, webinars and thought-leadership roundtables to the public sector.

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