Conversation about Parliaments in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Piers Kelly

At the Government ICT Conference in January 2021, our keynote speaker, Tracey Jessup opened up the conversation about Parliaments in the face of the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

Tracey Jessup is the Chief Digital & Information Officer at UK Parliament and this session covers: 

  • Our position when the pandemic started
  • Modernisation of e-Parliament, how did we technically prepare and what challenges or issues did we come up against and how did we resolve these
  • What is the future in terms of continuing with a virtual hybrid parliament?

Watch the full session here


The Government ICT Conference is part of the GovNet Tech portfolio bringing a series of events, webinars and thought-leadership roundtables to the public sector.

To view the event's calendar please click here.