Tackling Mental Ill Health Is Vital For Tackling Youth Economic Inactivity: New APPG For Youth Employment Report

Tackling mental ill health is a vital part of tackling economic inactivity for young people, finds the latest report from the APPG for Youth Employment.

Two out of three young people who are economically inactive also have a common mental health disorder, reveals evidence submitted to the APPG for Youth Employment’s latest report, “The impact of mental ill health on young people accessing the labour market and good quality work.”

The APPG for Youth Employment is pleased to launch its report into the impact of mental ill health on young people accessing the labour market and good quality work.

The inquiry ran between October 2022 and January 2023 hearing from key experts and young people themselves.


Report Key Findings:

  • The number of young people experiencing mental ill health is growing at an alarming rate.
  • Existing mental health support services are struggling to keep demand.
  • The impacts of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown have exacerbated the mental health crisis facing young people.
  • There is a worrying link between economic inactivity and mental ill health amongst young people.
  • Young people with protected characteristics, those from poorer socio-economic backgrounds, young carers and care-experienced young people are more vulnerable to mental ill health.

Key Quotes:

“The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing issues in relation to mental ill-health. This is illustrated in many councils’ local NEET data, which shows a significant growth in the number of young people who are not active in the labour market due to ill-health; with mental ill-health being a prominent factor.” Local Government Association 

“Mental health prevalence is known to be higher for specific groups of young people who may be more likely to experience discrimination in society, such as LGBTQ+ young people, a clear example of health inequalities” Association for Young People’s Health

For more information, please email info@youthemployment.org.uk or call 01536 513388.