The Female Offender Strategy Delivery Plan 2022–25 represents a pivotal step towards addressing the multifaceted needs of women in contact with the criminal justice system. These women often grapple with a complex array of challenges, including histories of trauma, domestic abuse, mental health issues, and substance misuse. By focusing on prevention, intervention, and support, the strategy aims to reduce the number of women entering the criminal justice system and minimise reoffending rates.
Understanding the Challenges
A significant proportion of women offenders find themselves embroiled in the justice system for non-violent, low-level offences. Shockingly, statistics reveal a disproportionate representation of women in prosecutions for specific offences like TV licence evasion and benefit fraud. Moreover, many women who receive short custodial sentences are the main caregivers for dependent children, exacerbating the social impact of their incarceration.Early Intervention and Diversion
The strategy underscores the importance of early intervention and diversion to prevent women from becoming entrenched in the criminal justice system. By investing in community-based services and fostering collaboration between statutory and voluntary partners, initiatives seek to divert vulnerable women away from offending behaviors and towards appropriate support systems. This includes developing a tactical toolkit and reviewing the performance of Liaison and Diversion services tailored to women's needs.Collaborative Approach
Efforts to enhance collaboration between various stakeholders, including police forces and health services, are integral to the strategy's success. By pooling resources and expertise, organizations can better identify and address the underlying factors driving women's involvement in crime. Investments in women's community sector services and initiatives like the Changing Futures program aim to provide holistic support to women facing multiple disadvantages.Police Response and Non-Police Prosecutions
The strategy also focuses on improving the police response to vulnerable women and exploring alternatives to traditional prosecution methods. This involves developing national guidance and tactical toolkits to equip police forces with the necessary resources to effectively engage with vulnerable women. Additionally, efforts to pilot new approaches, such as enforcement officers signposting women to support services, aim to reduce unnecessary prosecutions for minor offences.Measuring Progress
Key performance indicators, including the number of women entering the criminal justice system for the first time and the use of Out of Court Disposals (OOCDs), will be used to monitor progress. Regular reviews and data analysis will inform ongoing efforts to refine strategies and address emerging challenges.
The Female Offender Strategy Delivery Plan 2022–25 represents a comprehensive framework for offender management, rooted in the principles of early intervention, collaboration, and support. By prioritizing the unique needs of women in contact with the criminal justice system, the strategy aims to break the cycle of offending and create pathways to rehabilitation and reintegration. Through sustained investment, partnership working, and evidence-based interventions, the vision of empowering women to lead crime-free lives can become a reality.
Join us for Modernising Criminal Justice 2024 on the 6th of June at the QEII Conference Centre in London. The event brings together the complete justice system, from arrest through to release.

Jordaine Minchin