Understanding Challenges and Choosing Wisely: How You Can Use AI


Ever since ChatGPT made its debut, organisations have been spending an increasing amount of time and resources to better understand how to use artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace. With the rapid development of new generative AI tools entering the world of work, it’s important to ensure you’re ready for the future of AI.

Understanding Challenges and Choosing Wisely: How You Can Use AI

Adapting to generative AI technology

Generative AI has sparked an unprecedented level of curiosity in the tech world. People from all industries have been experimenting with what ChatGPT can offer them, and the enthusiasm is not just among those on the ground. Leaders and executives all want to leverage the newest technology to keep their organisations from falling behind.

Employing the latest tools provides short-term satisfaction, but working out how to tap into AI and data transformation is key to achieving the real aim of lasting business value.

For organisations considering how to use AI in the workplace, a good place to start would be to look at where to focus the AI lens and what basic tasks AI can assist with.

Using generative AI in the public sector

AI can improve a host of business functions – to make the most of common business tools, consider how they can integrate with your business processes and how they can help deliver the best value through incorporating your own organisational data.

Consider how some of the initial uses could prove to be useful. Do you need to summarise documents, extract information or summarise data to perform categorising and sensitivity rankings? How could the impact of AI on these business-critical needs apply to your organisation?

The UK’s Office for Artificial Intelligence has provided advice on how AI can help within the public sector, giving you some room for thought. AI can:

  • Provide more accurate information, forecasts and predictions leading to better outcomes
  • Produce a positive social impact by providing solutions for challenging social problems
  • Simulate complex systems that allow policy makers to experiment with different policy options and spot unintended consequences before committing to a measure
  • Improve public services, for example giving service providers more accurate and detailed information of people with similar needs or interests to provide personalised public services tailored to individual circumstances
  • Automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks to free up valuable time for frontline staff

The future of AI in the public sector

A National Audit Office survey found that AI is not yet widely used across government in the UK, but 70% of respondents have been piloting its abilities and planning use cases. Within the UK, central government departments are expected to have costed and reviewed AI adoption plans by June 2024, leaving a short window of time to get plans in place.

Embracing the benefits of AI isn’t simply about employing an off-the-shelf solution. For a successful adoption plan, you need to understand what your organisation needs, where the benefit and value can be generated, and to discover how AI can help you achieve this.

Whether you want to prepare and organise your company data to be able to engage with your AI solutions, or you want support beginning your journey of AI in the workplace, Advania can help you make the right choices.

Our experts can guide you through the entire process of selecting and onboarding AI tools to optimise your work. The question of how businesses can use AI will shape the future of modern work. With our assistance, you can make the right choices for your needs and your people.

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Lessons from the Private Sector: generative AI for e-discovery at scale

Interested to hear how Advania are supporting organisations with their AI investment? Join Dan Coleby, Jack Perschke and Steve Goodman at Advania’s session, Lessons from the Private Sector: generative AI for e-discovery at scale, at DigiGov Expo on 24th-25th September to find out more:

  • What is generative AI capable of?
  • How do you refine the art of the possible
  • Delivering value at pace through a close partnership
  • FOI, unstructured data revelations and beyond

With generative AI fast becoming a mainstream business tool, the discussion continues around its benefits and risks, and how to harness its capabilities to deliver real business value. In the session, we will share our experience with Microsoft AI technologies and the value that they can deliver, showcasing this with a private sector customer who is transforming the way they do e-discovery.