Applying the People, Process Technology Framework in Government

Piers Kelly

Created in the early 1960s, the people process and technology framework (PPT) aims to help organisations map out their different value streams to gain a clear understanding of how these three components can work in harmony.

Digital transformation

This article takes a deeper look into what the people, process and technology framework is, how you can apply it within your organisation and potential implications it may have for the public sector.

What Is the People, Process and Technology Framework (PPT)?

People, processes and technology are the three critical elements of organisational success. However, they must balance one another — and this is where many fall short.

people, process and technology

The PPT framework was developed to provide organisations with a clear picture of how these three components currently look within their structure. This then allows them to make the necessary changes so they can all work in tandem to achieve maximum impact.

By finding the right balance, organisations can drive better action and improve efficiency. The PPT framework also plays a vital role in mapping out future investments.

For example, a council may be designing a new service for their constituents. However, to ensure this service is a success, your people might need new technology to support them in the process.

Using the PPT framework, the council can learn more about what their employees need from the technology and what processes will need to be put in place to do their job effectively.

From there, they should better understand what type of technology is needed to support them and ultimately strike the right balance.

How Can You Apply It Within Your Organisation?

We’re living in the digital era. New working methods such as automation, artificial intelligence and machine learning are beginning to play a vital role in the future success of organisations.

To implement these types of work into your organisational structure, you’re going to have to embrace change.

However, with change can come uncertainty. Your employees have to adapt, your processes have to be updated and you have to invest in technology that will make a positive impact.

But how do you get the right balance of each? You don’t want to focus all your energy weighing up different types of technology to invest in if they won’t be the right fit for your employees.

Equally, you don’t want to invest in a new tool that your employees are pushing for if there aren’t any processes put in place to make sure they’re utilising it both effectively and efficiently.

That’s where the PPT framework comes into the equation. By following the steps mapped out, you can take an approach that optimises relationships between people, process and technology. Here’s how:

Start With Your People

Whether you’re taking on a digital project or simply rolling out a new service, the first step you should take is to identify the employees who’ll play a key role in making it successful and learn what each of them wants and why they want it. By doing so, you’ll gain buy-in from your employees straight away. Everyone will be committed and ready to give it their all.  

Now Consider the Process

A process is defined as a series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular goal. So with that in mind, ask the question: What processes do we need to make this project a success?

Some processes might be bigger than others. You might need to change someone’s accountabilities so they can run the project and drive change throughout your organisation.

It could be something much smaller than that, however. For example, you might need to introduce a new team meeting each week where everyone gets together to discuss progress and challenges.

No matter how big or small, mapping out the process is necessary when navigating through a period of change.

What Are Your Technology Options?

Now you have your people and processes in place; you can start to look at the different technologies which will support them.

You have a clear picture of what your employees need to get the job done. The processes are in place to ensure the operation runs smoothly. Now it’s time to collectively work together to research types of technology and find out which ones are the best fit for your organisation.

By following this framework, you can be sure that you’ve found the right balance required to optimise the relationship between the three different components to avoid risk and achieve maximum impact.

Are You Looking to Bridge the Gap Between Technology and Your Employees?

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